Sips & Spirits is a podcast hosted by a married couple that love drinking and sharing creepy tales. They will be the first to claim they have no clue as to what they’re doing outside of having a good time. However, if the occasion calls for mixing cocktails, drinking said cocktails and sneaking in a scare or two; all they hope for is that you’ll fill your own glass and join in on the fun!
New episodes release every other Thursday at 3:00am PST
on YouTube and everywhere you can listen to podcasts.

We are not historians. Any facts or stories presented are from various sources and we mean no disrespect if something is not presented 100% accurate.
We make no claims that these tales are true. We just found them to be spooky and interesting in their nature.
We are not professionally trained mixologists. Cocktails & Spirits are tasted for the first-time during episode recording unless noted otherwise.


Co-Host + Founder
Erick’s favorite spirits are tequilla, scotch whiskeys and werewolves.
On the podcast, he is the master of chills; spinning tales to get your goosebumps tingling for spectral spirits. His podcast goal is to build a community where listeners will want to share their stories around the bar.

Co-Host + Editor
Chelsea’s favorite spirits are gin, Agricole rums and the Fresno Nightcrawler.
On the podcast, her job is to share all the fun facts about the episode’s alcoholic spirits. Her goal for the podcast is to create completely original spooky-inspired cocktails for Sips and Spirits listeners to discover and enjoy.
The Couple

First and foremost, this married duo are bustling parents to a sister-brother duo full of energy. Erick holds down the day job while Chelsea shepherds the children.
This married team has turned every opportunity before them into something worth toasting to for nearly twelve years;
celebrating their most recent marital milestone of surviving the seven year itch in 2021.
Once the last bedtime story is read and the goodnight kisses are given, parenting gets put aside and it’s the hour for some fun couple time.
For a busy mom and dad, that entails chilling some glasses and switching on the microphones for some podcasting, of course!