Cryptids & Cocktails

Enfield Monster Cryptid & Cocktail

The Enfield Monster cryptid & cocktail will confuse your tastebuds by its mysterious nature, much like the creature itself. Our original cocktail honors this aggressive cryptid with sour fruits and a lemon finish. Our cryptid selection was pulled from The Clash of the Cryptids playing deck and with an original cocktail crafted by us to honor it!


The Enfield Monster Cryptid & Cocktail Sips & Spirits


Enfield Monster Cryptid Cocktail

Enfield Monster Cocktail

What exactly pulls the flavors together in the Enfield Monster cocktail? An interesting combination of The Sexton whiskey, Luxardo maraschino liqueur and mint mixed into a rimming sugar, syrup and garnish, this drink leaves you guessing until it’s finished.

Ingredient Inspiration
  • The Sexton Irish Whiskey
    • Represent Illinois’ large Irish community
  • Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur
    • To allow cocktail to take on different forms like the many descriptions of the Enfield Monster.
  • Mint simple syrup
    • Creature’s sliminess
  • Mint flower garnish
    • act like 3(or more) legs of the monster
Cryptid Cocktail Live Tasting

It was such an honor to be able to host Miranda in sampling the cryptid cocktail relating to her card. Check out everything Miranda does at

Enfield Monster Cryptid Facts & Story Notes

Erick read off the details on the Enfield Monster card then shared a handful of encounter accounts. He followed that up with all the theories behind what the Enfield Monster might actually be.

Guess Who

Whom will be featured in our next cryptid & cocktail episode? Solve Chelsea’s riddle to figure it out.

Who is this man over six feet tall and lean?
Appearing in a suit of reflective green.
Some say he comes from another,
Often he greets you with lips up-curled.

Leave us a comment on this post, email us or comment on Instagram with your guess and we’ll give you a shout out in the next cryptid & cocktails episode!

Last Call

Do you think the Enfield monster is a real thing, a case of mass hysteria or a pet kangaroo?

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Thank you so much for joining us around the bar. We hope you’ll stay tuned for even more spooky sips very soon.

Thanks for sipping by!

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