Cryptids & Cocktails

Barghest Cryptid & Cocktail

The Barghest cryptid & cocktail will leave you considering if a death omen is that scary with a cocktail this sweet. This original cocktail compliments this cryptid with flavors of pomegranate and deep red appearance. Our cryptid selection was pulled from The Clash of the Cryptids playing deck and with an original cocktail crafted by us to honor it!

Barghest Cryptid Cocktail

barghest cryptid cocktail

Let the Barghest be a warning of fun ahead with this death-symbolic cocktail. Using the beautiful flavors of 3 Howls gin paired with pomegranate flavors for a cocktail that goes down sweet after a scare from this cryptid.

Ingredient Inspiration
  • 3 Howls Classic Gin
    • 3 Howls has imagery of Black Dog. We discuss this distillery in more detail in Episode 1 if you want to learn more.
  • Pomegranate simple syrup & juice
    • Fruit often used to symbolize death.
Cryptid Cocktail Live Tasting

It was such an honor to be able to host Andrew in sampling the cryptid cocktail relating to his card. Check out everything Andrew does at

Barghest Cryptid Facts & Story Notes

Erick took a dive into Barghest’s stories throughout the British Isles and where it has been represented in today’s pop culture.

Guess Who

Whom will be featured in our next cryptid & cocktail episode? Solve Chelsea’s riddle to figure it out.

The meaning behind his appearance, we may never really know.
All we have are witness reports of large wings and red eyes aglow.

With sightings starting in 1966, this cryptid may have more to say.
With a monument built in his honor that can still be visited today.

Leave us a comment on this post, email us or comment on Instagram with your guess and we’ll give you a shout out in the next cryptid & cocktails episode!

Last Call

Have you witness a black dog omen of death?

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Thank you so much for joining us around the bar. We hope you’ll stay tuned for even more spooky sips very soon.

Thanks for sipping by!

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