Spectral Specials

Welcome Back to the Bar

A giant welcome back to the bar from your favorite podcast spooks! We’ve been keeping it quite for the last two months since we took our mini hiatus in December. However, we are officially back to haunting your soundwaves and thrilled to be behind the bar and the mics with you once again!


Welcome Back to the Bar Sips & Spirits


What’s on the menu?

We put it to a vote on Instagram to see what our listeners thought we should drink during this episode. Many thanks to the wonderful @basicallygiles, who voted for the Churros Margarita from our Gran Malo episode. We thought that was perfect choice and we ran with it!

Ingredient Inspiration

Just as delightful as our first time mixing this concoction with this unique spirit, we substituted the agave nectar for simple syrup since this was all we had on hand at the time. It still tasted divine and set the mood for the episode.

The Podcast Experience so far…

After our usual introductions and cocktail spiel and giving a big welcome back to the bar, we jumped right in to reflecting on what has happened since our last party we hosted on Instagram Live in January 2022. And looking back, we’ve been quite busy!

Things we mentioned during the episode included:
Things we forgot to mention that were just as exciting:

Future Hauntings in store for the Podcast…

A lot of our plans are already in effect, but we couldn’t resist teasing some of the many plans we have in store for Sips & Spirits future.

  • Revamping said email newsletter
  • New set (again!), classic sound
  • Continuing our cryptids & cocktails segment
  • Wrapping up remaining IG lives with friends who pulled cards during Midsummer Scream 2022
  • Looking into a new approach to cryptid card pulls
  • Planning for our first official podcast guest within the next ten episodes
  • Attending Midsummer Scream 2023
  • Crafting a new cocktail for Midsummer Scream 2023

Would You Rather

When lost in a mist so thick, you can’t see past your hand…Would you rather see a familiar shape in the mist, but as you get within arm’s reach, realize something is off about them OR as you’re wandering through the mist, a shadow appears and as you get closer and realize that it is some sort of creature, but it is too late to escape?

Story Time with…Chelsea?

Although Erick is usually the storyteller for our episodes, Chelsea hosted a take-over sharing some spooky experiences her family has had with prior residents of our new living abode as well as interesting occurrences happening in this space.

Back to the Bar with Questions from the Beyond

To mix things up a bit, we decided to ask each other three different questions. We’re hoping to turn this into a little something fun in the future, but we’re still working on the logistics of it all.

Erick’s Questions for Chelsea
  • After you watch a horror movie, what is your self-care routine to help unwind?
  • In the realm of scary things, what is something that people find scary, but you don’t?
  • Since you find dolls not scary, would you test the waters with Robert the Doll?
Chelsea’s Questions for Erick
  • If we got to take Sips & Spirits on the road, where would be your dream location for an episode?
  • What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
  • If you could make a cocktail in honor of a horror movie, which film would you choose?

Last Call

Once more we want to give you a big welcome back to the Sips & Spirits bar. Thank you so much to everyone who has joined in, stuck with us and participated in our fun throughout the past year. We had so much fun putting this episode together and are already brainstorming ideas for how to make the podcast more engaging for you in 2023! If you have anything you’d like brought to the menu next year, be sure to reach out and let us know!

Close Your Tab

Thank you so much for joining us around the bar. We hope you’ll stay tuned for even more spooky sips very soon.

Thanks for sipping by!

Love our podcast so far? Reach out through our social media or drop us a line.

Don’t forget to leave a review and share our podcast with others to let them know we’re indulging in spirits of both the alcoholic and spectral kinds!

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